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Saturday, January 1, 2011


I’m too blessed to be stressed
The devil can’t steal my joy
If he tries; he’ll most certainly be caught
For like the sun; I shine
Like the moon; I glow
Like the seas; my love flows endlessly
Like the mountain; I can’t be hidden

My joy is too loud to not be heard
My smile is too bright to not be seen
I’m too blessed to be stressed
Too peculiar to be missed
Too favored to be dismissed
Darkness can’t cover me
I have the Light of the World surrounding me

I am powerful beyond measure
I will conquer all
I’m too hopeful to be despaired
Too prosperous to be in need
Too loved to be lonely
Like lights I illuminate
I bring hope to those in need

My life is not my own
I have a powerful force behind me
He made me too strong to be shook
Too profound to be boring
Too courageous to shrink in fear
My love shows in my actions

My actions make clear my intentions

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There was he who prophesied love
Whose essence seemed as pure as a dove
Another who promised forever
Love me? he could never
For I thought my soul mate lives
But the Lord would not give

He who offered me friendship in the light
I almost loved with all my might
My mind stopped spinning in the wrong direction
Spent a minute walking in false affection
Wandering about for truth
 Pain in my mouth cause by my wisdom tooth

Pain was too much to bear
My knees hit the ground as I bent for air
In the mist of deep breath and confusion
My heart almost gave in to delusion
So I stayed on the ground, surrender
And cried out to my defender

A strong power shielded me
Alive once more I wished to be
Take me now for I am yours
Never again will I shut you out my doors
I read His mind and smiled again
His unconditional, pure love still remain

Gained my strength and stop communication
Went around again in desolation
Patiently He waited for my return
Wearily I walked around while my chest burn
Trying to fill that void inside
But shutting the only One capable of filling it, outside

Monday, November 15, 2010


You know that man that makes me smile
The one who laugh at my silliness
Always hold me close to his heart
He will drive a thousand miles
Just to help me through all sort of craziness
Together years go by but feel like the start

He understand me in ways no one can
He smiles at me like no other
He will put me first after Yahweh
I will always be first in whatever plan
Always close but never smother
And never too far away

He makes me better
We grow together spiritually and emotionally
I will always be more than just his woman
He will never be bitter
I will know him better personally
He will be my king, my superman

Is he you, my one faithful love
Are you the one who makes my heart skip
Can you love me like no other
Could you be my one from above
Always there through the hardship
How far would you go to make me happy, yours forever

Friday, October 29, 2010

Can You Trust Your Heart!

It’s amazing how a person can be with someone and think that person is not the right one; his/her true love. I was told by a friend recently that sometimes people settle for second best when it comes to love, especially when the person they want/love is involve/married to another. Now I understand that sometimes the heart wants what it wants and can nobody apart from the owner change that. I also understand that the heart is nothing if not deceitful. You must think about a lot before deciding to spend the rest of your life with someone. The person you want may not be the person you need. I work in the medical field and I see patients come in all the time demanding a brand name medication over the generic no matter what it cost or how it makes them feel. They just want the brand that the like and used to. That’s crazy right? On the other hand, there are patients that will focus on whether or not that medication will work for them? How it will affect them? From that point on, they make the decision on whether or not to use the treatment/medication. Of course with love, it’s not the same but there is a similarity. Though with love, there must be a mutual attraction before anything begin

All I’m saying is that we should think about certain things like:
  • ·         What makes that person different from someone else?
  • ·         Can that person treat you better?
  • ·         Have he/she been there for you?
  • ·         Is it just that overwhelming emotional feeling of being madly in love with that person and can’t see yourself without him/her that makes you feel he/she is the one?
  • ·         Or maybe he/she is better looking.
  • ·         Will he/she stick around during hard times
  • ·         Is she/ he willing to rush over in the middle of the night if you need help?

 We usually let the right person go right past us because we are blinded by that “true love.” Or at least think that it’s true love at the time being. The worst thing is we don’t even realize how wrong that person is for us until it’s too late. Until you’re sitting at home depressed and wondering what went wrong. I understand that’s not the case in every situation. True love does exist. However, before you let that emotional feeling overwhelms you, you should think about whether or not that person is really the right one. Sometimes, the right one has been there throughout all the ups and down, all the past relationships that left you emotionally drained, and all your uncertainties. Yet, you overlook him/her. Sad thing is you may have already lost that person. By the time you realize it he/she was the one; someone else came along and snatch him/her. Your first choice is not always the right choice!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 DONTS On A 1st Date

1.      Assume. It’s the first date people. It’s time to ask questions and allow yourself to get to know the person. It’s good to be open. Take in everything. By the end of the night, you should know whether or not you want to continue seeing the person.            
2.      Focus on yourself. You are there to get to know the person sitting across from you. Have you ever gone out with someone that just talk about himself/herself the whole night? How self-centered can you be?
3.      Get drunk.  Need I say more?
4.      Talk about your exes. No man or woman want to sit with someone and listen to them talk about his/her ex all night. Leave that for a later date when you comfortable with the person and know enough about him. Then you can tell him/her why your previous relationships sucked.
5.      Ask for a commitment. Don’t expect the person to proclaim undying love for you on the first date. If he/she ask your hand in marriage on the first date; RUN! “Check please”
6.      Brag. Stop talking about how much money you have. Usually when people start bragging is really because they’re trying too much to impress the other party and/or lying. Stop! Go with the flow.
7.      Show no interest. You should respond to the other party. Try to not be a horrible conservationist. Let the person know that he/she has your attention. For the night at least
8.      Pass judgments. You should not do that period. Not just on a first date.
9.      Talk about your future with him or her. Don't talk about how many children you will have with the person. "OMG, our children will be so cute." 
10.  Have sex. That’s okay if you’re just out there having fun and sleeping around but if you’re looking for a long term relationship then that’s a no no.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Playing hard to get!

Three words ladies; Don’t. Do. It. Stop listening to all those professional women out there who think that they know what men are thinking. A degree cannot give you the insight to the fellas mind. When you play hard to get, you can push a good man away. Ladies, men’s brain really do not function the same ways women does. If you like a guy let him know. Don’t get it twisted. I mean I’m still old school and am not telling you to go out there and be the chaser but when a man comes to you and express interest, give him a chance! Give yourself a chance to get to know the man. Stop the cat and mouse games. When you play hard to get, you send a signal that screams: I’m not interested in you!
  When dealing with sexual tendencies and desires, you should be in control. You should quit playing hard to get when dealing with men, however, you should not get physical too soon in a relationship either. Matter of fact, you should hold off until the man is ready for a commitment. My motto as of now is “If you are not ready for a family, then you’re not ready for sex.” What happens if you get pregnant? Then he’ll suddenly change into a family man? Yeah, Right! I know some of you probable saying; “what the heck is she talking about?” All I’m saying is if he cares about getting to know you and want to make it work: he will wait! I'm no virgin but I have learn from my mistakes. (You need to be the woman with “wife potential” not a “good for now girl”). Ask a man about what a man think.  Pick the men in your life brains.